In the first part, I introduced Queer Pedagogy, which is the Marxist (Communist) theory of gender and sexuality education.
For quick reference and in case you’re new here and rolling your eyes at the idea that this is somehow Communist, here’s a definition. Hint: look for the word Marxist.
Queer pedagogy (QP) is an academic discipline devoted to exploring the intersection between queer theory and critical pedagogy, which are both grounded in Marxist critical theory. It is also noted for challenging the so-called "compulsory cisheterosexual and normative structures, practices, and curricula" that marginalize or oppress non-heterosexual students and teachers.[1]
- Queer Pedagogy, Wikipedia (emphasis mine)
I showed how it combines Critical Pedagogy (Marxist theory of education), Post-structuralism (Marxist theory of knowledge) and Queer Theory (Marxist theory of gender and sexuality). This is the nightmarish combination that’s being taught in schools today. I don’t want to spend too much time digging into theory. Feel free to peruse the rest of my Substack for friendly (and dare I say entertaining) introductions to the modern communist project. Today, I want to focus on the country where I live and where my children go to school - New Zealand.
New Zealand has a lot going for it. It’s a stunningly beautiful country. It’s relaxed, friendly and relatively safe. It’s one of the few Western countries that still has a fairly high trust society. It reminds me of small-town UK where I grew up in the 80s. You can approach a random person in the street even in the large city of Auckland and they’ll find a bit of time to help you out. Try doing that in London or New York or even most large Western cities.
However, it’s a country in serious decline. Largely at the hands of the (Communist) Labour Party who have been busy deconstructing New Zealand society. I wrote previously on how the modern communist project is focused on education and this is exactly where the New Zealand Labour Party have been working the hardest. For a brief introduction to Labour’s new education policy The Common Practice Model (TPM), you can read that here.
Whilst TPM makes overt references to Paulo Freire’s Critical Pedagogy even using the word conscientisation (which he coined and is a synonym for indoctrination), it does not contain any Queer Pedagogy. Not to worry, that can be found elsewhere in the Ministry of Education’s Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE) guidelines which are already in place. I’ll spend the rest of this article picking out some highlights for you to enjoy. Just make sure you have a bucket handy.
Let’s first take a quick look at the lead author, Katie Fitzpatrick.
Professor Katie Fitzpatrick is Head of Te Kura o Te Marautanga me te Ako School of Curriculum and Pedagogy in the Faculty of Education and Social Work. Her research and teaching are focused on health education, physical education, sexuality education, critical pedagogy, policy, poetic research methods, and critical ethnography.
- Professor Katie Fitzpatrick (Bio), Auckland University (emphasis mine)
So, her research and teaching interests include Critical Pedagogy. And she’s head of the Auckland University School of Curriculum and Pedagogy. The same education department that overtly teaches the work of communist-educator Paulo Freire, which I wrote about in a previous post.
So she’s obviously a Communist (like so many other heads of education faculties around the world). What a great start! We should however be open minded and take a look at the document itself. You never know, maybe the other authors managed to rescue or even just water down Katie’s contributions. It’s a long shot but let’s take a look.
I haven’t even made it past the cover and there’s already a red flag. Why are Year 1 being taught about sexuality at all? Six years old is a little young, don’t you think? Surely if this is aimed at such young children, it must be fluffy and wholesome. Maybe I don’t need to be so concerned?
In science, ākonga can:
consider how biological sex has been constructed and measured over time and what this means in relation to people who have variations in sex characteristics
consider variations in puberty, including the role of hormone blockers
- Relationship and Sexuality Education, Years 1-8, Ministry of Education, New Zealand (page 28) (emphasis mine)
Whoa, they’ve jumped in at the deep end and introducing six-year-olds to the idea that they can block their puberty. That’s insane. It turns out, I wasn’t nearly concerned enough! They also describe biological sex as something that is constructed. It’s not something that is part of nature that is observed by humans (apparently) but is constructed by humans. Not only does this teach the idea that gender is a social construct it’s obviously encouraging young children to consider their own gender identity. Eventually they might believe that everything is a social construct, which is the foundational belief of communism, colloquially known as woke. For more on that, you can read my previous article.
For our non-Kiwi readers, ākonga means student and there’s a growing trend in New Zealand, especially in government documents, to commingle English and the Maori langue even in the same sentence. The odd word here or there isn’t a huge problem but it’s getting to the point where half the words in a supposedly English sentence are not English and a native English speaker like myself struggles to understand official government documents! Anyway, we digress, let’s get back to the document and see what other gems it has to offer us.
Approaches to RSE for LGBTQI+ ākonga
LGBTQI+ is an acronym for “lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex”, and the ‘+’ on the end denotes other gender and sexual identities. The combination and number of letters can vary.
Many ākonga at primary and intermediate schools are thinking about their gender identities, and some are aware of their sexual orientation. Ākonga with diverse sexual orientations and gender identities have a right to inclusive RSE. Ākonga are likely to have whānau or family members who are sexually and gender diverse.
Programmes should acknowledge gender and sexual diversity and make sure that a range of identities is visible in resources.
Ākonga should be addressed by their preferred name and pronouns.
Teachers can reflect on and change exclusionary practices such as lining up in girls’ and boys’ lines, requiring students to place bags in girls’ or boys’ categories, or organising class groups according to gender binaries.
- Relationship and Sexuality Education, Years 1-8, Ministry of Education, New Zealand (page 36) (emphasis mine)
Just a reminder that they’re talking about primary school children. That includes six-year-olds. They could have, if they wished, to have a separate guide for younger children or even no guide at all (as in, leave the kids alone). They chose not to and, in fact, went out of their way to create this whole document in the first place. In other words, they’re targeting young children. According to the Ministry of Education, many children under 11 are thinking about their gender identities. To the extent that it’s true (and unfortunately I think it is to a certain extent true) it’s because they’re teaching them to do so at school. I know some parents personally whose kids 9 year old classmates talk about being bisexual (they don’t even understand what that means but it’s presented as cool).
They also want teachers to address the primary school students using their preferred pronouns. Which, if you know anything about preferred pronouns, can be changed on a whim and be absolutely anything. And no doubt, the teacher will be reprimanded for not using them no matter how preposterous and how often they change. And once the primary school age kids know this, good luck with discipline in your classroom. It also provides a convenient mechanism for removing teachers who don’t agree with this madness. Think that’s far-fetched? Let’s take a look at what’s happening over in the UK.
You might even call that the primary goal of this policy. Notice also how they describe the (ever-expanding) acronym. The ‘+’ on the end denotes other gender and sexual identities. The combination and number of letters can vary. I mean, that really says a lot. In other words, there’s no end to this bullshit and it’s totally arbitrary, made-up nonsense. This is quite an admission which always happens whenever someone must be precise about a bullshit idea. So New Zealand schools are teaching arbitrary bullshit at the expense of learning something useful (there’s only so much time in the day). Apparently, the Labour Party Leader believes that a free, quality education is the right of every child. I guess this malicious crap is what he had in mind. This is Labour, after all!
In case you think this will be limited to health education classes or something that you might be able to opt your children out of, guess again.
RSE across the curriculum Suggested learning intentions
While RSE concepts and content will be specifically taught in health education and supported in physical education, there are many opportunities for RSE across the New Zealand Curriculum. For example:
In English, ākonga can: … engage in dialogue and debate in the context of provocative online posts linked to relationships, gender, and sexuality
In science, ākonga can: …consider variations in puberty, including the role of hormone blockers
In technology, ākonga can: …explore symbols linked to the gay and transgender rights movements
In social sciences, ākonga can: …interview family members and friends about how they have experienced gender roles and expectations in their lives
In the arts, ākonga can: …consider plays with roles that do not conform to gender stereotypes
In languages, ākonga can: …discuss the use of gendered or non-gendered pronouns across different languages
In mathematics and statistics, ākonga can: … draw conclusions, for example, in relation to class or school demographic information.
- Relationship and Sexuality Education, Years 1-8, Ministry of Education, New Zealand (page 28) (emphasis mine)
Just look at all the subjects that they want this to get into. Apparently sexuality should be part of the technology and mathematics curriculum. They want kids to be immersed in this. This is also straight out of Paulo Freire’s Critical Pedagogy. He developed generative themes to manipulate students. The idea is to sneak the political viewpoint into other subjects so that it becomes like a kind of background assumption (in this case gender is a social construct) but also gives teachers a jumping off point to do some political indoctrination. Let me demonstrate how this works. Suppose the kids are doing something seemingly benign in maths like subtraction. The Critical Pedagogy teacher will ask them a question like “if there are seven gender non-binary students in the class and two of them decide to become girls, how many gender non-binary students are there now?”. So it’s ostensibly about subtraction but subtly reinforces the political viewpoint that is the real goal. Paulo Freire (the creator of Critical Pedagogy that the lead author advocates) originally used literacy in Brazil to pioneer this method. He would teach the illiterate poor to read Portuguese. And instead of teaching them phonetics then useful words to gradually build up their vocabulary, he taught them politically agitating words like “slum”, “revolution”, “exploitation”, “unfair” etc. This was with the express purpose of radicalising them into the communist project. It turns out that they hardly even learned to read at all as they become too preoccupied with politics to bother studying. This is what the Labour Party has in mind for New Zealand children.
Also, look at what they’re suggesting kids could do in these other subjects. Engage in dialogue and debate in the context of provocative online posts linked to relationships, gender, and sexuality. Consider variations in puberty, including the role of hormone blockers. Explore symbols linked to the gay and transgender rights movements. Interview family members and friends about how they have experienced gender roles and expectations in their lives. Consider plays with roles that do not conform to gender stereotypes. Discuss the use of gendered or non-gendered pronouns across different languages. I mean, what the hell? These are the words of a fanatical religious cult who want their insane beliefs to be infused into every element of education and wider society. I would encourage you to go and read the whole thing for yourself. There’s plenty more that I didn’t have space to cover. Even if you don’t accept my entire thesis, I think it’s clear that there’s something deeply wrong going on.
You might be wondering why the hell are they doing this? Even if they are communists, what do they have to gain by convincing children that they have a made-up gender identity? As usual, this was all set out by Herbert Marcuse in the 1960s. The short answer is that communism has always been a cult identity movement and they had to keep updating it to get the numbers. It started off with a majoritarian economic movement (and look what they did with that) and is now a solidarity movement of racial and sexual minorities (including ones that are totally made-up). For a longer explanation, you can read my previous article.
In case you doubt that this could possibly be effective, take a look at the latest survey data on gender and sexuality identification. This is from the US as I couldn’t get stats on New Zealand. But rest assured, this is a global phenomenon and it’s no different here than any other Western country (in fact, I think it’s worse).
So we’re looking at around 20% of younger people identifying as something other than heterosexual. Of course, nature hasn’t changed and there’s no more or less gay or straight people than there have ever been. Whilst there may have been some increase in openly gay and lesbian people due to social acceptance, this is a relatively small part of the increase. And you see this increase over time for each generations. Not so for the other categories. Most of the increase comes from self-identification as bisexual for the obvious reason that you can claim to be bisexual whilst carrying on as normal as a heterosexual. It looks like you can have your cake and eat it too! So it’s obviously nothing really to do with sexuality, it’s a political identification. The Transgender and Other LGBT are the delusional, make-believe categories where you’ll find high degrees of confusion and mental illness and a cult-religious belief in their political identity and struggle. They’re the real targets. To generate hardcore, life-long zealots dedicated to and totally dependent upon the cause. And these poor kids, who are being indoctrinated and used as pawns, suffer immense harm as a result. All the way up to and including becoming life-long medical patients and genital mutilation. It’s a real horror show. But it’s all worth it for the greater good, comrade!
Let’s recap. The New Zealand Labour Party are Communists who are targeting your children though public schools. They’re doing it using Queer Pedagogy, which builds on communist-educator Paulo Freire’s Critical Pedagogy and Queer Theory. The goal is to indoctrinate children by encouraging them to adopt a gender identity of their own as a pipeline into the broader solidarity movement it’s already been going on for years and you’re seeing it succeed with younger generations. We need to get Labour out of government, get this absolute evil out of education and try to undo some of the damage they’ve already caused. And we need to do it yesterday. Either that or we won’t have a country in ten years. We’d better get to it.