You may have heard about Drag Queen Story Hour (DGSH). Unless you’ve been living in the woods, there was probably one in your local library or kindergarten or primary school. They're suddenly everywhere now from Auckland to London to New York and almost every major Western city. The basic premise is that a drag queen (a man dressed as a caricature of a woman) reads a book to some children. In case you're thinking this doesn't sound too bad and is maybe even wholesome (like Mrs Doubtfire reading some Roald Dahl) then guess again.
It may also come as no surprise whatsoever that there's been a huge amount of inappropriate behaviour during DQSH (and family friendly drag shows, from the same organisation). Like lewd names, lewd jokes, flashing, fetish shows and I’ve even seen videos on Twitter of obviously criminal CSE (which I can’t post here). It's always the ones you most expect! I'll document these more thoroughly in a later post which I'm sure you're looking forward to. Just make sure you don't read it straight after dinner. What I really want to cover today is the theory and how it fits with all the other woke communist stuff I've been discussing. I wonder if we’ll come across Paulo Freire again?
Interestingly, one of the organisers of DQSH published an academic paper describing why they organise these events and the ideas behind them. It was peer-reviewed and published in one of the world's foremost education journals. Because of course it was. Here's the whole abstract.
In recent years, a programme for young children called Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) has risen to simultaneous popularity and controversy. This article, written collaboratively by an education scholar and a drag queen involved in organizing DQSH, contextualizes the programme within the landscape of gender in education as well as within the world of drag, and argues that Drag Queen Story Hour provides a generative extension of queer pedagogy into the world of early childhood education. Drawing on the work of José Esteban Muñoz, the authors discuss five interrelated elements of DQSH that offer early childhood educators a way into a sense of queer imagination: play as praxis, aesthetic transformation, strategic defiance, destigmatization of shame, and embodied kinship. Ultimately, the authors propose that “drag pedagogy” provides a performative approach to queer pedagogy that is not simply about LGBT lives, but living queerly.
- Drag pedagogy: The playful practice of queer imagination in early childhood, Harper Keenan & Lil Miss Hot Mess (emphasis mine)
Not only does this sound like an absolute nightmare but notice how awash it is with communist buzzwords we've seen before. Imagination, transformation, praxis (only Marxists use that word), defiance. They also let the DQSH organiser (and performer) publish using his pseudonym Lil Miss Hot Mess. This is a serious academic journal after all.
Ok, there's a lot to unpack here. Let's start with the phrase that really jumps out at you - Drag Queen Story Hour provides a generative extension of queer pedagogy into the world of early childhood education. Well said. First notice that it's based on Queer Pedagogy. As we know from my previous post, this is not a good start.
You may remember that Queer Pedagogy combines the following elements.
Critical Pedagogy - Marxist theory of education from Paulo Freire that re-purposes education to indoctrinate children into communist activists (teachers and students are equal, comrade)
Queer Theory - Marxist theory of gender and sexuality which seeks to normalise fetishes including paedophilia (all sexualities are equal, comrade)
Post-structuralism - Marxist theory of knowledge where anything can be anything (all perspectives are equal, comrade)
Can you spot a pattern here? In case you're new here and don’t want to take my word that this is all Marxist then you can easily verify this yourself.
Queer pedagogy (QP) is an academic discipline devoted to exploring the intersection between queer theory and critical pedagogy, which are both grounded in Marxist critical theory. It is also noted for challenging the so-called "compulsory cisheterosexual and normative structures, practices, and curricula" that marginalize or oppress non-heterosexual students and teachers.[1]
- Queer Pedagogy, Wikipedia (emphasis mine)
Even Wikipedia knows. Marxist means communist and is named after Karl Marx, the original communist. Thanks Karl. The queer in Queer Theory (and Queer Pedagogy) is the same one as in the increasingly absurd and ever-expanding acronym LGBTQIA2S+. If you’re not sure how all this fits in with communism (isn’t it an economic theory?) then you can read all about it below.
Secondly notice that it's aimed at very young children through early childhood education. The drag queens deliberately dress up in a way that's appealing to children using bright colours and decorative makeup. It's like an incredibly disturbing Disney-themed nightmare. Thirdly notice the phrase generative extension. What the hell is one of those?
It is to the reality which mediates men, and to the perception of that reality held by educators and people, that we must go to find the program content of education. The investigation of what I have termed the people s "thematic universe"13—the complex of their "generative themes"—inaugurates the dialogue of education as the practice of freedom. The methodology of that investigation must likewise be dialogical, affording the opportunity both to discover generative themes and to stimulate people's awareness in regard to these themes. Consistent with the liberating purpose of dialogical education, the object of the investigation is not persons (as if they were anatomical fragments), but rather the thought-language with which men and women refer to reality, the levels at which they perceive that reality, and their view of the world, in which their generative themes are found.
- Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Paulo Freire (1970) (emphasis mine)
Hey, we did come across our old friend Paulo Freire. I just knew he'd have something to do with this. Say hello to Paulo, everyone!
As Freire describes, in his usual communist word-salad, a generative theme is how you achieve the education (indoctrination) in practice. It’s a series of concrete examples around which students can derive a more general understanding of the world. You present the examples to students as if they’re representative of reality so they will draw general conclusions on that basis and believe this is the norm. This can be combined with cherry-picking (selecting motivated examples) to manipulate the worldview of students. In other words DQSH is how you do Queer Pedagogy with young children in practice.
Generative themes have been used to great effect not only by communists but also by cults and jihadists. And even by the broadcast media (but I repeat myself) where they relentlessly cover some tragic events but ignore others to skew your perception of reality.
George Floyd was named in close to 2 million (1,880,507) news items in the two weeks that followed his death.
Of these, approximately half (54.7%) have linked his death to racism and/or police brutality.
Online outlets produced vast levels of coverage on George Floyd, with Fox News publishing new content naming him, on average, once every 10 minutes for two weeks.
- (emphasis mine)
Let’s quickly move on from that. I don’t want to get in too much trouble! Ok so we already knew that the aim of Queer Pedagogy is to manipulate young children into a made-up gender identity and eventually critical consciousness (a communist mindset). And now we know that DQSH aims to do that using generative themes. But what is the generative theme used in DQSH? Why it's the drag queens themselves, of course! By showing the kids a man dressed as a woman and not only pretending it's normal but is something to celebrate, it sows the seed of atypical gender identity. By watching DQSH, as if it’s normal, the kids are starting to make their first steps towards reflecting on their own gender identity and understanding that gender is a social construct. And this puts them on a path towards understanding that everything is a social construct which just so happens to be the foundational belief of communism. What an amazing coincidence.
As if this isn't bad enough, there are some even more troubling elements. For example the delightful phrase play as praxis, aesthetic transformation, strategic defiance, destigmatization of shame, and embodied queerly. Taken together, these mean young kids themselves should become drag queens, defy the society that tells them they shouldn't, have no shame and find a new family. If you think that sounds far fetched and couldn't possibly happen then (as always) think again.
Meet Lactatia: The world's youngest drag queen
"Anyone can do what they want in life," the Montreal local told LGBT in the City. "It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. If you want to be a drag queen and your parents don't let you, you need new parents. If you want to be a drag queen and your friends don't let you, you need new friends."
- New Zealand Herald (emphasis mine)
Great, a 7 year old drag queen. Notice the need new parents - you may remember the popular poster among teachers saying something similar. Breaking apart families just happens to have been a communist goal since the start. Another amazing coincidence. As for the world’s youngest drag queen, things have moved on since he was 7.
In case you can't believe what you're seeing, this is a 12 year old boy who’s had a lewd stage name since the age of 7, who dresses like a sexualised woman and performs like a stripper getting dollar bills shoved down his clothing and who sells his own merchandise at an adult fetish store. That's not a sentence I ever thought I'd have to write. And of course it's in Canada. Oh Canada! A country so woke that a 12 year old can become a cross-dressing adult sex worker and it's not only legal but widely celebrated. So tolerant! So progressive!
This poor boy is already way down the radicalisation pipeline. You can probably guess the fate that awaits him (hint - puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and castration). Thankfully cases like this are still rare. But Drag Queen Story Hour events and radical gender theory being taught in schools (Queer Pedagogy) most certainly are not. That's almost everywhere now and if you have children at school in a Western country they're probably learning this insidious crap. These are the entry points to the gender mutilation pipeline and they're rapidly funnelling kids into it (as you’ve seen in previous posts).
Although in the UK, not efficiency enough it would seem! DQSH being in public libraries and in only some schools doesn't cast the net wide enough. Some kids are slipping through the cracks!
Teachers should support drag queen story time events to create a “more inclusive atmosphere” in schools, an education union has suggested.
More schools should be encouraged to set up LGBT+ spaces and lunch clubs for pupils, the National Education Union’s (NEU) annual conference heard.
- The Independent (emphasis mine)
Teachers' unions are starting to demand DQSH directly in the curriculum. That way your kid can't even escape by going to a good school or avoiding the public library. No child is left behind!
God, this is already so bad and we haven't even gotten out of the abstract yet. The rest of the paper is somehow even worse. I would encourage you to read the whole thing for yourself. In case you have better things to do, let me share some highlights.
It may be that DQSH is “family friendly,” in the sense that it is accessible and inviting to families with children, but it is less a sanitizing force than it is a preparatory introduction to alternate modes of kinship. Here, DQSH is “family friendly” in the sense of “family” as an old-school queer code to identify and connect with other queers on the street.
- Drag pedagogy: The playful practice of queer imagination in early childhood, Harper Keenan & Lil Miss Hot Mess (emphasis mine)
They just can't help themselves but to confess. They know what they’re doing is wrong. This is obviously duplicitous and manipulative. They advertise the shows as being family friendly then state clearly here that they don’t mean that at all (in the commonly understood sense). They're relying on no-one reading it who isn't onboard with it and those who do not being believed. They're entirely correct. The few of us who read this stuff are easily dismissed as conspiracy theorists or transphobes or whatever. Many parents enthusiastically take their kids to these shows. So progressive!
We’re dressing up, we’re shaking our hips, and we’re finding our light – even in the fluorescents. We’re reading books while we read each other’s looks, and we’re leaving a trail of glitter that won’t ever come out of the carpet.
- Drag pedagogy: The playful practice of queer imagination in early childhood, Harper Keenan & Lil Miss Hot Mess (emphasis mine)
Hmm, that sounds kind of familiar. It reminds me of something.
Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted. Give me a child for the first 5 years of his life and he will be mine forever.
- Vladimir Lenin
Glitter in the carpet that won’t ever some out...seed that cannot be uprooted. Obviously two analogies for the same thing (albeit with very different aesthetics). In other words, the lifelong indoctrination of children.
Let's recap. Drag Queen Story Hour is communist radicalisation based on Marxist Queer Pedagogy that uses the generative theme (manipulation of reality) of drag queens to begin to convince young children that gender is a social construct. This encourages them to adopt their own gender identity and join the communist solidarity movement (as set out by Marcuse). There are already examples of young children becoming cross-dressing adult workers. DQSH events (as problematic as they are) are almost everywhere with a huge number of children exposed to them in public libraries or schools. And teachers unions want to bring them into the curriculum so they're in every school. In a previous post I finished by saying we are truly on the road to hell. Actually I think we already arrived.